Health and Safety

The health and safety of all who visit The Convention Centre Dublin (The CCD) is of utmost importance to us. Whether you’re a client, exhibitor or stand builder, there will be certain health and safety criteria that you must adhere to. 

On this page you will find all the information you, your exhibitors and your stand builders need to know when building and delivering your event at The CCD. Before starting your event build, please make sure you read and understand the relevant parts of these documents and share them with those working on the event with you. 

Your health and safety responsibilities

As an event organiser, it is important that you know and understand your health and safety responsibilities during your time with The CCD. Click here to read an outline of these responsibilities. 

Summary emergency information for organisers and exhibitor

Whether you’re an organiser, exhibitor or stand builder, you must be familiar with the venue’s evacuation process. Please read this document for a summary of responsibilities and actions in case of an emergency evacuation. 

The CCD’s evacuation strategy

As well as understanding the evacuation strategy yourselves, please make sure that you share it with all of your exhibitors. This document, which includes detailed maps and drawings, can also be included in your overall event plans.

The CCD’s rules and regulations

This document is a comprehensive list of information on The CCD. It has all the answers to queries you might have when building and delivering an event here. All event organisers, exhibitors and stand builders must read and understand the relevant sections of this document. 


The Convention Centre Dublin (The CCD) holds four ISO accreditations – Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems ISO 45001:2018, Event Sustainability Management ISO 20121, Quality Standard ISO 9001 and Environmental Standard ISO 14001, as well as British Security Standard BS7499.


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