Category: Conference
Global Implementation Conference (GIC) 2015
How can implementation make a real difference by producing socially significant results for end-users of services? What capacities are needed, and how can they be built? What types of collaborative planning and action can strengthen implementation processes? Implementation for Impact is the topic of the 3rd biennial Global Implementation Conference.
Please join us in Dublin, Ireland for an opportunity to learn, share, network and socialise with others, who are passionate about implementation science, practice, and policy!
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Global MedTech Compliance Conference (GMTCC) 2016
Jointly organised by AdvaMed and MedTech Europe, the GMTCC is the most comprehensive compliance meeting in the MedTech industry globally. The conference is attended by senior industry executives, in-house compliance professionals, legal counsels, healthcare professionals, lawyers, policy-makers and other stakeholders focused on European, national and international anti-corruption and more broadly compliance issues. The conference will cover topics such as Industry's financial support of medical education, Transparency, and Distributors management. Participants will get to discuss these topics at length, in big and small groups and look at approaches to practical and effective management and compliance across the globe.
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32nd International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology (ICPE)
August 25-28, 2016
The International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology (ISPE) is a non-profit international professional membership organization dedicated to advancing the health of the public by providing a forum for the open exchange of scientific information and for the development of policy; education; and advocacy for the field of pharmacoepidemiology, including pharmacovigilance, drug utilization research, outcomes research, comparative effectiveness research, and therapeutic risk management.
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Cochrane UK & Ireland Annual Symposium 2015
Cochrane UK & Ireland Annual Symposium 2015 is being held in Dublin in April. This yearly event brings together, researchers, healthcare users, health professionals and charity representatives with an interest in Evidence Based Healthcare from in and around Cochrane. The theme for 2015 is ‘Cochrane Answers; making our reviews good enough for patients’. The Symposium is divided in to a series of plenaries and workshops discussing the theme and setting challenges to Cochrane for the year ahead.
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37th International Symposium on Combustion
The 37th International Symposium on Combustion will provide a scientific venue for sharing ideas and experiences on the applications of combustion.
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Digital Solutions Cooperative (Dscoop) 2015 EMEA
Dscoop's annual event, specifically for HP Graphic Arts users, is the premier opportunity to connect with your peers, industry thought leaders, HP executives and experts in the field of digital print! This conference will be the largest event for HP Graphic Arts users in EMEA in 2015!
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FlowForma BPM – Struggling to Streamline your Organisation’s Business Processes?
Is your organisation struggling with manual forms and inadequate process management? Do you want to streamline everyday business processes fast? If so, you might be interested to find out what our business process management tool FlowForma BPM can do for your organisation. Join us to meet our team of experts and speak with our customers. Our demonstrations will show how this product drives efficiencies across the entire organisation, from finance and IT to human resources. So why not come along with relevant business managers from your organisation? Find out more or register today.
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56th Annual ACI World Congress 2017
ACI IRELAND, The Financial Markets Association welcomes the 2017 ACI World Congress to Dublin.
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17th European Congress of Endocrinology (ECE 2015)
The European Society of Endocrinology was created to promote for the public benefit research, education and clinical practice in endocrinology by the organisation of conferences, training courses and publications, by raising public awareness, liaison with national and international legislators, and by any other appropriate means.
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8th World Congress of Biomechanics
The World Congress of Biomechanics is an international meeting held once every four years, rotating between Europe, Asia and the Americas. It brings together engineers and scientists from various disciplines including biology, physics, mathematics, computer science, chemistry and various clinical specialties.
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